IoT Sigfox Thermometer mit int. Sensor
Order number: W23-500-020 Series/Model: W0850

IoT Sigfox Thermometer Temperature transducer with int. Sensor and binary inputs
Main Features
- Sigfox connection for 1 year
- Comet Cloud for 1 year (version for testing)
- 2 Binary inputs
- Temperature range from -30 to + 60 ° C
- Accuracy: ± 0.4 ° C
- Resolution: 0.1 ° C
- Protection class: IP65
- Batterie powered
- Traceable calibration certificate (according to the EN ISO / IEC 17025 standard) Included
- Warranty 3 years
The instrument measures the temperature from the built-in internal sensor and it has two binary inputs to monitor voltage changes or to monitor the non-voltage contact state. It features a simple, compact design and is positioned directly in the measured area. Measured values are displayed on the display and are regularly sent, in an adjustable time interval (10 min to 24 h), by radio transmission in Sigfox to Comet Cloud.
The device includes Traceable calibration certificate with declared metrological traceability of etalons is based on requirements of EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard.
- IT- und Server-Räume
- Telekommunikations-Systeme
- Technische Infrastruktur-Räume
- Warenlager und -häuser
- Agri-Kulturen, Pflanzenzucht, Gewächshäuser
- Fabrikation-Hallen und -Gebäude
- Museen, Archive, Gallerien, Ausstellungen
- Klimatisierte Räume allg.
- Wetterstationen

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